About Us

If you want to learn more about us, you’re in the right place!  Learn who we are and why we this site is here!

Travel Trailz is here because we want the world to Travel!

This site is here to inspire wild adventures and build a community around those adventures.  The site started as a humble travel blog as an outlet to share some of my personal adventures through the world, but we hope to grow into a travel community to share travel tips from traveler to traveler.  Afterall, many of the best travel ideas often come from talking to fellow travelers.  So if you have any cool tips and ideas, share them with the community!   

We are a growing site and plan to add city routes and maps as well as profiles for you the travelers to share your tips, coming soon!  

James "Andy" Morrison

Founder, CEO, Blogger, Adventurer

"Travel to make the whole world smaller and your own world bigger. There's a lot to see, so I adventure any chance I can to anywhere I can, This mindset has led me to visit 22 countries on 4 continents, to Spend months backpacking the Appalachian Trail and more months backpacking across India and Spain. Its been a wild ride so far! This site is here to help others to adventure and share their own stories as well"

Phillip Parr

Founder, CMO, Blogger, Adventurer

"I grew up in a small town in Southern West Virginia and caught the travel bug at a young age with family road trips. In my teenage years I visited Europe and never lost my wanderlust since. Andy got me interested in backpacking in college when he let me borrow his gear for a weekend trip on the Appalachian Trail. Now I try to travel and adventure as much as possible."